In after education filled today everyone want a government jobs. MPSC is the also a good government job. The full form of MPSC is Maharashtra public Service Commission. Every year more than 200000 students apply for Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC). Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) has more than 20 posts like Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Commissioner ect. You can apply the Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) under the age of 19 to 36. In the Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) examination General caste candidates have 6 attempts, Other backward class castes candidates have 9 attempts, Scheduled Castes (SC) candidates have unlimited attempts and Scheduled Tribes (ST) candidates also have unlimited attempts. The form of Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) was released on 5th January 2024. The new date of Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) examination is 21st July 2024. The hall ticket of the Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) will be released on the official website a few days before the examination. The admit card of Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC) also will be released 10 days before the examination. You can download the admit card by following these steps:
- Firstly go to the official website of Maharashtra public Service Commission (MPSC)
- Now select the MPSC Exam Admit Card option.
- Then enter your personal details like registration number/roll number, date of birth/password and enter the captcha.
- Now click on submit button.
Now you can download or print your admit card.