Jammu & Kashmir

How to Register Voter ID Card New in Jammu & Kashmir


Procedure of Registering a new ID

  1. Visit the link : http://ceojk.nic.in/efiling/auth_pages/adminlogin.aspx.
  2. Sign Up as a new user.
  3. Keep all the mandatory document of your age proof and address proof (mentioned below) ready for verification.
  4. As you submit the form you will receive a verification code on your given mobile number.
  5. Keep the Acknowledgement Receipt safe.
  6. After the form is received by the CEO office, the BLO staff will come to visit your place for complete verification. 
  7. You will need to collect your Voter ID card from the nearest Electoral Office.


  • Required Documents
  • Scanned copy of photograph (upto 20 kb)
  • Scanned copy of your Identity Proof. If the age of the applicant is between 18 and 21 years, a documentary proof of Date of Birth should be attached. A copy of any one of the following documents can be attached as a proof of Date of Birth:- 
  1. i) Birth certificate issued by a Municipal Authorities or district office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths or Baptism certificate ; or
  2. ii) Birth certificate from the school (Govt. / Recognized) last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution ; or 

iii) If a person in class 10 or more pass, he should give a copy of the marksheet of class 10, if it contains date of birth as a proof of date of birth ; or 

  1. iv) Marksheet of class 8 if it contains date of birth ; or 
  2. v) Marksheet of class 5 if it contains date of birth ; or 
  3. vi) Indian Passport ; or 

vii) PAN card ; or 

viii) Driving License ; or 

  1. ix) Aadhar letter issued by UIDAI.

In cases where the applicant is more than 21 years and physically appears to be so to Booth Level Officer /Assistant Electoral Registration Officer / Electoral Registration Officer, declaration of age by him / her will be taken as proof of age and no documentary proof will be insisted on. The age should be indicated in years and completed months as on the qualifying date i.e. 1st January, of the year with the reference to which electoral roll is being revised.


  • Scanned copy of your Residency Proof. A copy of any of the following documents should be attached as a proof of ordinary residence: – 

(i) Bank / Kisan / Post Office current Pass Book ; or

(ii) Ration Card ; or

(iii) Passport ; or 

(iv) Driving License ; or 

(v) Income Tax Assessment Order ; or 

(vi) Latest rent agreement ; or 

(vii) Latest Water / Telephone / Electricity / Gas Connection Bill for that address, either in the name of the applicant or that of his / her immediate relation like parents etc. ; or 

(viii) Any post / letter / mail delivered through Indian Postal Department in the applicant’s name at the address of ordinary residence.

  • Important Links


Procedure of Changing Details for Existing IDs

  1. Fill the form no. 8 : http://nvsp.in/forms/form8.html.
  2. Attach your fresh documents in the respective sections.
  3. You can either “Save” the form for future editing or “Submit” it.


Offline Procedure

  • Visit the CEO Office and take Form 6. Alternatively you can download it here. http://ceojk.nic.in/Forms/voters/Eform6.pdf 
  • Submit duly filled Form 6 with proof of age, Residence and two color photographs to BLO/ERO concerned.
  • After submitting the form, the BLO will come to your addressed mention to verification.
  • After successful verification you will get your voter id card.


Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, J&K Shri Rishpal Singh,KAS 
Deputy Chief Electoral Officer, Jammu 

Office: Srinagar

Phone: 0191 – 2477519

Email ID: dyceo-jk@nic.in

Fax: 0191 – 2477389

Mobile: 9419214533

Help line number: 1950


Assistant Chief Electoral Officer, Kashmir
Shri Mohammad Sidiq, 
In charge Assistant Chief Electoral Officer, Kashmir 
Block-A, Old Secretariat, Srinagar 

Office: Srinagar

Phone: 0194 – 2480567

Fax: 0194 – 2480567

Mobile: 9697822085

Help line number: 1950


Assistant Chief Electoral Officer, Jammu
Shri Jai Kumar Assistant Chief Electoral Officer, 
Jammu Shaheedi Chowk, Jammu

Office: Srinagar

Phone: 0191 – 2579270

Fax: 0191 – 2579270

Mobile: 9419239515

Help line number: 1950


Resource Section

  • Eligibility Criteria 
    • Anyone above 18 years must enroll his or her name in the list.
    • The applicant should possess a permanent address in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
    • Anyone who changes the address within the same country must also update the information.
    • A person can enroll only once.
    • Foreign nationals working in India can also apply for voter registration.


  • Form details:
  • Form 6: Inclusion of Name
  • Form 6a: Inclusion of names for Overseas Electors
  • Form 7: Objection/Deletion
  • Form 8: Correction of Particulars
  • Form 8a: Transposition of Entry




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