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20 अगस्त को हरियाणा पुलिस एग्जाम

20 अगस्त को हरियाणा पुलिस एग्जाम


I am directed to invite your kind attention on the subject noted above and inform you that Haryana Staff selection Commission will conduct the written examinations (OMR Based) of CET Group-C posts (2nd Phase) for all Categories under Group 56 & 57 respectively on dated 17/08/2024 & 18/08/2024 (Morning Session) against Advt. No 4/2024 and for Male & Female Constable GD, Cat No. 01 & 02 of Police Deptt. Haryana on 20/08/2024 (Evening Session) against Advt. No 6/2024, in various educational institution of your District.

2. In this regard, you are requested to direct concerned District Education officer, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Panchkula Ambala, Yamunanagar & Panipat, to allow the service providing agencies for installation of CCTV Cameras (day &night) in list mentioned written exam centers.



20 अगस्त को हरियाणा पुलिस एग्जाम




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